
April 11, 2012: Jack

Our friend Jack Daniels came to visit today.  The best part was that he brought some Cafe Yumm bowls and tofu skewers, so we could cheat a little on our diet :)  Yummy!
 And just because she is so adorable, here is Kia in her otter pose.


  1. I'm not usually a fan of tofu, but that skewer looks pretty yummy. Also, your cat is adorable in her otter pose ;)

    ~ Rhonda Parrish

  2. That looks so yum! Nice post.

    From Diary of a Writer in Progress

  3. Kia is indeed adorable!

    Hope you’re enjoying the challenge so far!
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  4. Whoa that's some combination!

    This is me, Duncan D. Horne, visiting you from the A-Z challenge, wishing you all the best throughout April and beyond.

    Duncan In Kuantan
