
March 22, 2011

Especially for Lisa's mom, a UFO. We know they are your favorites :)

We painted our bookshelf on Saturday. The only problem is, now we can't figure out how to decorate it.

March 21, 2011

Rob bought Lisa a ring. How sweet!

Aaron came to visit.


March 20, 2011: A Gardening Day

We weeded in our backyard today. We really shoud have taken a before shot. The weeds in this bed were already at least 2 inches high and blanketing the entire area. We made a lot of progress but still have a little work to do. We are plannng to toss some wildflower seeds in here after the weeding is done.

We started some seeds today in our new little greenhouse thingy. We planted tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and jalapenos. Hope they work out :)
Rob caught me by surprise while stuffing things into the fridge.
Rob also brought in a cutting from a tree at the side of our house. It has such a beautiful scent.
And what would the day be without food and bevarages: lasagna and Bloody Mary.


March 19, 2011

We went for a walk in the sunshine. The cherry blossoms are so pretty right now.

I really love this sign. It makes me giggle every time I see it :)

The eyes in this staned glass window always seem really creepy to me. I can't decide if Mary's beady eyes or Joseph's zombie eyes are creepier.

Lastly, a photo shoot with the kitty and a tiny bowler hat. At first, she was pissed.

But then she got into it.

March 18, 2011

March 17, 2011: Happy St. Patrick's Day

Rob went to see the Portland Symphony with his class. I hope they don't all get abducted by that strange UFO hovering above them.

Our broccoli survived the slugs and the winter. Now if it would just produce some broccoli.

Lots of flowers are blooming in our garden. It's so pretty.

March 16, 2011

We have no picture for today. The camera battery died, and for some reason we didn't even consider using our phones to take pictures. It really is looking like a boring week.

March 15, 2011: Guess we're having an uneventful week :(

March 14, 2011

Guess it was an uneventful day.

March 13, 2011

Kia loves ranch dressing. She can smell it from across the room, and has attacked many meals just to get a taste.

Just this week, a friend of ours said that she would love a small Coach purse. Amazingly, Rob found one on Craigslist this weekend. We bought it for her as a little gift, and she loves it.
Look what was driving around the streets of Albany today.
It's being pulled by four horses. It sure slowed down traffic.


March 7, 2011: Is it Spring Yet?

March 6, 2011

It was a beautiful day. Rob planted some garlic. We had already planted a bunch in the fall, and it seems to be doing really well. This week, someone at Rob's work was getting rid of extra planting garlic, and he brought it home to be planted in our yard. You can never have enough garlic!

We looked at all the pretty flowers that are starting to bloom in our yard.

We walked to the post office to mail a package and had to take pictures of the cool PO boxes.

We found a blanket that I had knit. It was tied around a stop sign. We returned it to its rightful owners, and you can read the whole story here.
We looked at more pretty flowers in our yard.
Rob decided to shave off his goatee. He decided against the handlebar mustache.
I decided against the regular mustache. No way!
This look is kind of fun, but I don't think it will really catch on.
And finally, here he is with his newly naked face.