
January 23, 2013: Reading List

Here is part of Lisa's newest reading list.
You can tell Rob is both surprised and excited by her choices :)

January 22, 2013: Fruit

I love when the fruit bowl is full.  I love grocery shopping day :)

January 21, 2013: Snowy Day

There was a light dusting of snow on everything today.
I had to drive my mom to the airport in Portland and planned to return a shirt I bought on the way home. I put the shirt in a plastic bag and left it where I would remember it.  Kia had other ideas.  She made a nest.....
...and settled down for a nap :)

January 20, 2013: Out for Breakfast

January 19, 2013: The Vault

Yummy, as always.

January 18, 2013: Shopping!!

My mom and I went on a shopping trip today.  It was part of my Christmas gift, and it was a ton of fun!

January 17, 2013: New Bedding

My mom and dad are visiting this weekend, so we put some new bedding on the guest bed.  We are currently a little paisley crazy in this house :)

January 16, 2013: Rob's New Toy

Rob bought a Chromebook with some of his Christmas money.  It's a love-hate relationship.



January 14, 2013: Cat on a Couch

January 13, 2013: Battlestar Gallactica

We are addicted!

January 12, 2013: A Frosty Morning

Rob's pictures:

Lisa's pictures:

January 11, 2013: Robin Williams

We went to see Robin Williams at the Arlene Schnitzer in Portland.  It was an interesting show.  David Steinberg was interviewing him about his life, and Robin occasionally asked David questions too.  They have very different comedic styles.
Overall, a very enjoyable show.  Robin Williams is hilarious!

January 10, 2013: Dobby

I made Dobby!  He's so cute!

January 9, 2013: Kia Loves her New Toy

January 8, 2013

January 7, 2013

January 6, 2013