
Day 109

Kia just loves when Lisa's parents visit. She can practice her hissing and attack mode:)

We took a ferry across the river to a vineyard.

Day 108: A Hike

Day 107

Day 106: Beatiful Day for a Bike Ride


Day 105

Supplies for my next necklace

Day 104

We are looking at houses again :)

Day 103

Day 102

Day 101

Today was a great day. We went shopping in Albany and Corvallis, found some bargains at Goodwill and ended up at a didgeridoo show at Calapooia Brewery, but we didn't take the camera with us. Oooops :)~ So, here are some beautiful photos from inside our house.

Here is a video of the didgeridoo player we saw, Jake Duncan


Day 95

Our first grill out of the year :)

And with the sun, out comes my fabulous sunhat :)

Day 94: A Day of Sunshine

Lisa's "sunscreen"

These bald eagles are always around our area, looking for a nice lamb to eat. On our bike ride today, we saw them hanging out by a chicken enclosure.

And, the sunset

Day 93

I love this street. I pass it almost every day, and it's so pretty with all the flowering trees.


Day 91: Our Fish

Dori the fish. Our most active fish.

Here's the whole tank. It was so nasty when we got it, but now it is a lot better. You can see Dori up front. Pai Mei's eye is glowing in the back left corner. Grandpa's eye is glowing in the front right corner.